Transformation for Vibrant Health
Bonnie Michal Berg, RN, HNC, AdvCBP
— a co-creative health care practice specializing in post trauma healing, women's health, education in the healing arts and energy medicine:
• Advanced BodyTalk™System
• Jin Shin Jyutsu
• Holographic Repatterning
• Hands-on healing
About Bonnie
Bonnie Michal Berg, RN, Certified Holistic Registered Nurse and Advanced BodyTalk Practitioner, offers clients the benefit of 30 years of study and experience in the healing arts, with an underlying foundation in Western medical training.
Professional Credentials
Registered Nurse
Certified Holistic Nurse
Advanced BodyTalk Practitioner
Holistic Health Practitioner and Educator
Transpersonal Breath and Bodywork Therapist
Bioenergy Balancing Practitioner
Holographic Repatterning Practitioner
Teacher Certifications
Tai Chi
Qi Gong
Bonnie is dedicated to fostering vibrant health through her co-creative healing work with the men, women, children and animals she is honored to serve.
She brings a deep and abiding reverence for Spirit, the Earth and to all of life through her work.